Posts Tagged 'Satire'

“Science Channel Refuses To Dumb Down Science Any Further”

The satire news magazine, The Onion, has an article up that is both amusing and depressing. This piece hits an unfortunate nail on the head.

I’ve mentioned before, my contempt for the current state of science programming in the US. I’ll admit that the Science Channel is still the best of the “educational” TV channels, but that isn’t saying much; the other networks seem to continuously rotate between Monster Quest, Paranormal Investigators, and UFO Hunters.

You can tell that all of these channels are under constant pressure to make their shows more extreme and appealing to the lowest common majority of society. I am sure that there are lots of hard working people at the Science Channel who want to give people good, solid science programming, but their efforts are constantly challenged by the marketing department. If we won’t watch good science, they’re not gonna’ show any.

This exemplifies the modern problems with science communications. Somewhere there is a disconnect between researchers and the general public; forcing exciting science to be watered down to the point of inanity. Who is at fault? The scientists, the media, or the average Joe?

Tree Lobsters

Not to be confused with endangered arboreal octopi; this is an awesome web-comic about tree dwelling crustaceans that discuss science, pseudoscience, and skepticism. Personally, I am shocked that I just discovered this gem now, as its premise abstractly sums up a decent chunk of my intellectual fascinations.

I like this one because it takes a shot at the drivel that passes for science and nature programming on TV these days:

Hat tip to the Bad Astronomer.

I have moved.
Arthropoda can now be found here.

Michael Bok is a graduate student studying the visual system of mantis shrimp.

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